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Export readiness review

Via one or a series of meetings, we conduct an Export Readiness Review to determine whether your company’s current infrastructure and portfolio can meet the requirements of international trade.

Amongst other criteria, we examine your motivations for exporting; your branding; your product readiness (versatility, differentiation, potential compliance issues); your available skills, knowledge, and resources; your existing processes; your competitiveness (domestic market performance); your capacity to fulfil overseas demand (via existing inventory, other sources, etc.); and your financial situation (ability to invest in associated upfront costs, management of cash flow, sensitivity to exchange rate fluctuations, payment systems, etc.).

Following this assessment we provide a report that serves to detail areas for improvement, list criteria that need to be addressed before you embark, and identify any potential roadblocks which may hamper your export success.

Email us today at Contact@ExportDept.co.uk to book a free, no obligation chat about your requirements and to see how we can help you further expand your business overseas.