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Export strategy and planning

Which market? When? To what scale? Your expansion overseas should be given at least the same focus, time, and detailed planning as any new business venture, some would argue it warrants even more.

Your exporting strategy must be well researched, detailed and realistic. Detailed analysis of your company and your intended target market is essential, as is nailing down your exporting objectives, success criteria, marketing strategy, budget, and implementation schedule. This analysis is then formalised in your Export Plan which serves as a framework and guideline for all subsequent exporting activity.

Working in conjunction with you we can lead discussions and support activity concerning which international markets to target and to what scale. We can:

  • help to assess the your available resources (human and financial) and determine additional resources required;
  • help analyse your competitive strengths and limitations;
  • help identify the target market’s barriers to entry;
  • research and ascertain essential information such as compliance issues, relevant legislation, applicable licenses and tariffs;
  • determine the degree of adaptation your product/service requires;
  • can lead and support discussions concerning the chosen route to market and promotional strategy to be adopted;
  • can help to draft an Export Plan that not only has quantifiable objectives, scenario planning, and immediate, medium and long-term actions, but is also able to withstand scrutiny from banks, financial advisers, and other sources of funding etc.

Email us today at Contact@ExportDept.co.uk to book a free, no obligation chat about your requirements and to see how we can help you further expand your business overseas.