The benefits of trading internationally significantly outweigh the challenges!
International trade places considerable pressures on a company’s resource, capacity, skill set, and knowledge; many companies already feel these pressures dealing with demand in their domestic market. Companies can reduce these pressures or even eradicate them by outsourcing elements of, or indeed all of their exporting activity to the Export Department. The benefits are significant:
- SKILLED RESOURCE: As an Export Department client you have immediate access to knowledgeable, experienced, and expert resource, providing you with the confidence to extend your reach to markets you maybe hadn’t considered before;
- SPEED TO MARKET: The Export Department has the resources to begin the exporting process immediately whereas setting up a facility in-house can involve months of knowledge acquisition, costly hiring, training, and support provision. As with any new project or process, SMEs also run the risk of errors, some of which can be costly; our personnel’s knowledge and experience eliminates much of this risk and contributes to a smooth market launch;
- COST EFFICIENCIES: The overheads of running a business today are already significant. The Export Department takes time to understand your products/services, sector, target customers and their preferences, etc. It then delivers the relevant expertise and manages the full workload of an in-house export department at a fraction of the cost you would incur by setting up an internal operation;
- SCALABILITY AND COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE: Larger companies typically have their own internal exporting department. The Export Department helps level the playing field by providing SMEs with access to the same economies of scale, efficiency, and expertise that their larger counterparts enjoy;
- MITIGATION OF RISK: As with all new ventures, expanding internationally carries an element of risk. Competition, government regulations, financial conditions, etc. can all change very quickly. Due to its years of experience, The Export Department is very adept at avoiding risk and effectively managing it in areas where it cannot be avoided;
- CAPITALISE ON FREE ADVICE AND SERVICES: SMEs presently have at their disposal varying degrees of free or heavily subsidised exporting support via government funded programs. However quite apart from the typical language, cultural, and regulatory barriers to export anticipated by SMEs, a huge percentage are deterred from exporting due to a lack of international trade know-how, experience, and confidence, and not even the offer of expert free advice and services can persuade them otherwise. These companies are missing out on an incredible opportunity to grow their businesses, and this is a situation that can be remedied by introducing practical, hands on, integrated, operational resource in the form of The Export Department. We provide the direction, expertise and confidence to help you execute upon your plans, not only do we signpost you to the correct source of advice, we can ensure you capitalise on it;
- REDUCED LABOUR COSTS: Recruiting and training staff for short-term or specialised projects can be very expensive; outsourcing offers an attractive, cost effective alternative to loaded employee costs. By outsourcing your export activity to The Export Department, you are reducing your labour costs and increasing productivity simultaneously, which in turn bolsters profit;
- MAINTAIN FOCUS ON CORE BUSINESS: The Export Department helps to ensure its clients’ businesses are expanding internationally whilst their domestic businesses flourish. The time involved in exporting is significant and core business activities can suffer as resources become overstretched. The Export Department enables you to prioritise, and focus your energies on core activities like further developing your brand and creating higher value added products and services that can benefit both your domestic and international customers;
- INCREASED EFFICIENCY: Years of experience and a thorough understanding of the international trading process enables The Export Department to be more timely and efficient in even the most complex of exporting projects; adding to your competitive stance by getting your proposition to market swiftly and successfully with minimal impact on your time;
- RETAIN FULL CONTROL: The Export Department’s clients retain full steer and budgetary control over the direction of their international operation i.e. they approve all distributor relationships, routes to market, scale and speed of expansion, brand and promotional activity, etc. The Export Department can advise on best course of action, and will deliver per the agreed plan, but it remains your business. We will always act in your best interests but you retain full control throughout.